Tanzania Demographics

Tanzania has a very low median age with more than 44.8% of the population under 15, 52% between 15 and 64 and just 3.1% over the age of 64. The country also has an incredibly diverse population with more than 120 ethnic groups.
The Sukuma is the largest ethnic group in the country and represents around 16% of the Tanzania's total population. The vast majority of citizens, including many of the Sukuma, Hehe and Nyakyusa peoples, speak Bantu. There are groups of Nilotic and nomadic Maasai and Luo populations in the country as well, along with two small groups who speak languages in the Khoisan family specific to the Khoikhoi and Bushman people.
While much of the population comes from the mainland, there is one group known as the Shirazis who trace their origins to Zanzibar's early Persian settlers. About 1% of the population on the mainland and Zanzibar are non-Africans. The Asian community in Tanzania, which includes the Sunni Muslims, Parsis, Goans and others, has dropped by nearly 50% in the last ten years to just 50,000 on the mainland and 4,000 on Zanzibar. It's estimated that about 90,000 Arabs and Europeans also reside in the country. While each ethnic group has its own language, Tanzania's official language is Kiswahili, which is an Arabic-influenced Bantu language, as well as English.

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